На 14 и 15 септември во Хотел Александар Палас – Скопје се оддржа меѓународната конференција “Владеење на правото: Каде се движиме” на која претставниците на научната заедница, тинк тенк организациите, граѓанскиот сектор, како и оние кои ги креираат политиките, со цел утврдување на состојбата за тоа до каде сме денес со владеењето на правото во Европа и во која насока се движиме со истото. Овие прашања беа дискутирани во областа на правото, безбедноста и економијата во неколку експертски панели, пленарни сесии и воведни предавања.

Панелисти и key note speakers

Aleksandar Jovanoski is EPI’s (European Policy Institute) Programme Coordinator for Democracy and Rule of Law.


Besa Arifi (SEE University, Tetovo)


Blerim Reka (SEE University, Tetovo)

Dragan Tevdovski , Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University before being elected Minister of Finance,

Emil Atanasovski is responsible for overseeing and managing WFDs (Westminster Foundation for Democracy) Western Balkans programmes.


Eszter Kirs is an associate professor of Public International Law at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Miskolc University (Hungary) and a legal officer of the Law Enforcement Programme of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.


Fisnik Korenica (Member, CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship)  a Senior Research Fellow with Group for Legal and Political Studies.


Giorgio Brosio is Professor Emeritus, University of Torino, Italy.

Gjergji Vurmo (Member, CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship) is currently a Programme Director and Researcher at the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) in Albania.


Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova is professor of Consitutional Law and Political System(s) at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”.


Israel Butler is Head of Advocacy at the Civil Liberties Union for Europe.


Leonhard den Hertog works as a Research Fellow within the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Unit of CEPS.


Ljubomir Danailov Frckoski (1957) is Professor at the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of law covering the area of international law and human rights, political theory and conflict resolution.

Malgorzata Skuleka (Member, CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship) is a lawyer and researcher at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland).

Margarita Tsatsa Nikolovska is an international judge and a vice-president of Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Marjan Nikolov (49, Member, CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship), Preseident of CEA,  a Docent at the International Slavic University.


Marko Troshanovski Is President of the Skopje-based think tank – Institute for democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje.

Márton Varju is senior research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences and senior lecturer in law at the University of Debrecen.


Massimo Bordignon is Professor of Public Economics at the Catholic University of Milan, where he used to be Director of the Department of Economics and Finance, after having directed for several years  the Graduate School in Economics and Finance of Public Administration.


Natasha Gaber-Damjanovska Prof. Natasha Gaber-Damjanovska Since 1985 worked at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, where she became senior researcher and professor.

Petra Bárd (Member, CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship) is Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Criminology, Hungary.


Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs Programme at CEPS.

Uranija Pirovska is Executive Director of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia from May 1, 2012.


Vladyslav Galushko is a program manager at the Open Society Initiative for Europe, where he oversees the portfolio of organizational development grants within the Think Tank Fund for Wider Europe team.

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