Brainstorming the Future of Macedonia

What can North Macedonia do?
What might be the contours of the New World?
And more….
“After the financial and economic crisis of 2007, mankind had the opportunity to curb the animal spirits (Adam Smith) and the global minotaur (Yannis Varoufakis), i.e., the intercontinental business interests of the military-industrial complex (Dwight Eisenhower) supported by the banking sector embedded in the casino capitalism (J. M. Keynes and Susan Strange). But instead of the expected structural reforms and the spillover of money produced in the kitchen of quantitative easing (a beautiful intellectual expression for money printing) to those who are most in need – the people (the most vulnerable) – that freshly created liquidity was shared among those who produced the 2007 financial and economic crisis.
Thus, the unresolved issues of tectonic conflictuality, now reinforced by the COVID-19 risks (regardless of the controversy over whether it was artificially created to satisfy the interests of global actors), led to the birth of a new global post-globalization paradigm that will essentially contradict globalization and will make countries re-examine, introspect and strengthen their national interests (already announced by President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, decisions, policies).”
Link to the full column in English here:
Published in Macedonian language in the daily Nezavisen: