This document builds on previous “Blueprint for Urgent Democratic Reforms”, developed by group of civil society organizations and experts in early July 2016.1
Its primary purpose remains the same, i.e. “it provides an incentive, guidelines and detailed activities deemed necessary for restoring democratic standards and values, achieving progress in selected policy areas, and rebuilding citizens’ trust in key state institutions”. The change of government in itself was just one step forward, because organization of credible elections had put an end to the long-standing deep political crisis, but does not guarantee systemic reforms necessary to overcome the situation of captured state.
This joint effort represents a response to changed political situation, i.e. formation of the new government, which declared its preparedness to work on democratic reforms in the country. With this document, the group of CSOs and experts involved provide their perceptions and views about priorities and measures that should guide the government’s programme in the next 12 months.
Policy areas addressed in this document include: public finances and economy; justice system; fight against corruption; elections and electoral system; public administration; oversight on the police and the agencies for security and (counter) intelligence; Parliament; civil society; social protection, welfare and sustainability; education and youth policies; environment; culture; and health care.
This Blueprint was developed on the basis of long-standing experience and expertise in the relevant areas of intervention. Large portion of proposed instruments and measures are already part of declared commitments, as well as reports and recommendations published by civil society actors in said areas.
The whole document is available on the following link
Blueprint for Urgent Democratic Reforms